♦ amusing map of european stereotypes by yanko tsvetkov. silly racism.
♦ jon crispin has taken it upon himself to start a photography project shooting the contents of the suitcases of the patients of a long-closed mental institution. so interesting...definitely going to be following this one.
♦ i have bouts of "i'm [insert age here] and a complete failure and it's too late to fix it" quite often. next time i have one of those moods, i'm going to look at betty white's life in numbers and michelle woo's post about women who made it big in later years, so i can once again convince myself that sometimes it takes a long time to get what's coming to you.
♦ oh, hello, adorable bedroom. i can has?
♦ nubby on staying motivated. i really love reading the blogs of virgo's...they always seem to have the best advice, all in one perfectly-organized package. XD
♦ brooke from playing grown up wrote a lovely article on teaching, and how sometimes it takes a certain kind of students to make your teaching job your teaching passion.
♦ jon crispin has taken it upon himself to start a photography project shooting the contents of the suitcases of the patients of a long-closed mental institution. so interesting...definitely going to be following this one.
♦ i have bouts of "i'm [insert age here] and a complete failure and it's too late to fix it" quite often. next time i have one of those moods, i'm going to look at betty white's life in numbers and michelle woo's post about women who made it big in later years, so i can once again convince myself that sometimes it takes a long time to get what's coming to you.
♦ oh, hello, adorable bedroom. i can has?
♦ nubby on staying motivated. i really love reading the blogs of virgo's...they always seem to have the best advice, all in one perfectly-organized package. XD
♦ brooke from playing grown up wrote a lovely article on teaching, and how sometimes it takes a certain kind of students to make your teaching job your teaching passion.
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