So, new tradition! Every Monday I will be posting links to different sites around the web that caught my interest. Lundi Links! Or, Em Helps You Procrastinate. More. PROCRASTINATORS UNITE. Meh. Later.
While sometimes it's good to be a little selfish (I know, because I tend to be bad at this), there are times when the best way to boost your own self-esteem and happiness is to help others. For realz, yo. It's all heart-warming and Hallmark card-y and such. Alexandra at Unicorns For Socialism created Wild-Child Philanthropy with a list of fabulous do-gooder options. Try it!
Oscar at Freestyle Mind created a great list of habits to start. The good kinds, like eating right and reading regularly. I'm going to start these ASAP!
Awesome art project by George Chamoun. I hope he continues this, so cool!
"You know what makes salad tolerable? Doughnuts. No. Stop that. Caramelized onions." Joy the Baker is my new favorite food blog. Hi. Lar. I. Ous.
Negative Nancy.
Erstwhile Jewelry Co. Can I afford any of it? No. Not without selling my body. But it sure is purdy.
I'm pretty enamored with the gas mask ring, myself.
Excuse me while I become mesmerized by this forever.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand bookgasm.
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