I also have a lot of difficulty making big decisions. Yes, I consider blog-making a big decision. In the past I would create various websites or blogs for my interests, but keeping up with them all tends to be exhausting when you're working full-time, going to school part-time, and still having to make time to love, laugh, and live. I've been thinking long and hard about this...my friend Sara and I have discussed creating a cooking/food blog, a fashion blog, and I've dabbled in the idea of a blog focusing on women in history.
The issue therein is that I am not an expert in any one thing. I have a degree in English language and literature, I'm a history geek, a gamer, a theatre enthusiast. I love to cook and eat delicious foods, but my apartment's kitchen is lacking in any counter space whatsoever and is no fun to cook in. I'm not a fashion plate on a daily basis like so many other fashion bloggers out there (on that note, visit The Glamourai, because she is adorable and I love her quirky, cute, lovely sense of style), but I'm slowly getting out of my jeans-and-a-tee-every-day phase and want to embrace my inner girl and wear cute, fashionable, sexy clothing.
To sum up...I want to blog about things that make me happy. A cute new outfit, a killer shoe sale, a successful baking foray, some interesting facts...that is what this blog will be about. I'm a firm believer in not doing something that doesn't make you happy if you don't have to do it, and that's what this blog is for. Maybe I'll even make a reader happy, too.
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